Shed mortal perceptions and Become…
Surrender yourself to the Voice of your Dragon. There is a Radiance and Spirit which burns within each who hears the Calling… This Spirit is the Quest for Immortality.
Vampyres wish to Live.
Vampyres by their virtues are free of the oppressive chains of guilt and sin…to Live.
Vampyres wish to Live and to Thrive…
The Vampyre Virtues can be your stepping stone to Sovereignty of the Self and your entire world… Awaken to Virtues of the Vampyre which most of society fears to embrace. We are warned all our lives to not listen to the voices from within. Ask yourself: are the desires for decadent wealth, elegance, pleasures of the flesh, personal power, immortality, primal nature and esoteric secrets truly sins? Vampyres see them as Virtues, not sins. Within the pages of Vampyre Virtues; the Red Veils are words of power which can unleash the Vampyre Spirit which may lie within you. If you wish unleash yourself enough to embrace these virtues and remove yourself from the temptations of complacency and guilt, then you will be in touch with concepts which can turn your fantasies into realities. Mortal life can go by all quick and is full of self deceit and internal decay. If you are willing to be reborn, then the Red Veils will be tool to enable to embrace the Vampyre Spirit.
Vampyres wish to Live and Thrive, not just survive…
The seeker who embraces the Vampyre Virtues will be awakened to a new vision of the existing world…the world of chaos. The clarity that comes with the opening of one’s Vampyre Eyes will ignite a flame which lies dormant inside of you, or is yet to be kindled. The Vampyre Spirit demands of you qualities of love, loyalty, discretion and the desire to discover your own Higher Self. Most people in this world are wasteful of their time, their money and their very souls. However, this is not the case with a True Vampyre, who seeks to utilize such precious assets with focus, order and success.
Allow the Vampyre Spirit to awaken within YOU.
Only a few will find success with the Vampyre Virtues. You may be one of them. The empowering aspects of the vampire mythos are yours to inspire and challenge you. Are you potentially one of the Chosen few? Do you have the personal tenacity to achieve you own Zhep’r? Have you listened to your inner Dragon and sat upon the Throne of life to see through the world through Vampyre’s Eyes? Will you?
The freedom of choice is yours…
Vampyre Virtues; the Red Veils is a new book by vampyre author Father Sebastiaan; describing over 100 words of power derived from the vampire archetype and mythos. Among the Red Veils are the vampyric meanings of Decadence, Love, Immortality, Transhumanism, Glamour, Magick, Primal Nature, Witch, Knight, Mystery and Elegance. Tested, proven and inspired by the members of the Sabretooth Clan, these Virtues will challenge your views on the modern Vampyre lifestyle and culture.
If you wish to know more… obtain a personal copy of Vampyre Virtues; the Red Veils from or your local bookstore.